Paternity tests available to private citizens from oct13. 亲子鉴定13日起向私人开放。
He said that Tracy suspect that she cheated on him and they are going through the pain of debates and paternity tests to find the truth. 他说,麦蒂怀疑哈里斯背叛了自己,他们整日争吵不休,麦蒂甚至希望去做亲子鉴定以查明真相。
There are user said, prenatal paternity tests are usually done by unwed led to challenge the social ethics. 有网友说,产前亲子鉴定多由未婚先孕酿成,挑战了社会伦理。
The ongoing national census has triggered a surge in DNA paternity tests in Guangzhou. 目前正在进行的全国人口普查导致广州做亲子鉴定人数的增多。
Since the foundation of DNA Molecular Technology, several DNA Molecular Markers are applied to the construction of genetic map, the evaluation of genetic diversity, individual identification and paternity tests. 自从DNA分子标记技术建立以来,各种DNA分子标记相继被广泛地应用于遗传图谱的构建、评估遗传多样性以及个体识别、亲权鉴定等方面。
The Application of DNA Molecular Markers on Animal Individual Identification and Paternity Tests DNA分子标记在动物个体识别与亲权鉴定方面的应用